Supplier questionnaire

We send standardized questionnaires via Onventis to our suppliers and service providers. These questionnaires are used either at the first registration on our e-procurement platform, routinely annually or for special queries.

Our suppliers and service providers will receive a digital questionnaire so that they can always keep Hochland up to date about their company as well as its activities and developments.

Document management

Due to audit requirements and in order to support our supplier management, we use Onventis for our document management in the whole group. The aim is to have access on a transparent database with all our suppliers’ company-specific certificates and documents. Of course, providing documents also gives our suppliers and service providers the opportunity to show their abilities to us and to attract attention.

Our suppliers and service providers are therefore required to upload company-specific certificates and documents on our supplier portal Onventis on their own and to ensure that they are always up-to-date.

After an initial briefing and support on our part, our suppliers and service providers are self-responsible for ensuring that certificates are valid and available in Onventis at all times.


Supplier evaluation

In order to identify our best and most efficient suppliers and service providers, an annual supplier evaluation is conducted. Besides purchasing department also quality management and other specialist departments are participating. These surveys are sent digitally via Onventis to all evaluators and individually answered by them. The system weights all individual results and calculates an average overall result. This result is sent to our suppliers directly from Onventis.

More detailed information on the evaluation process, the criteria and their weighting as well as the evaluation scale can be found here.

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